Marianna is a precious, beautiful child. At 10 years of age, she is full of energy and oozes confidence, and her smile lights up a room. She is not the same child who came to Hope Gardens last spring. The trauma she once experienced is unimaginable.
When Marianna’s mother faced some serious challenges in her life, Marianna spent two years in foster care, where she endured horrific abuse.
“It was very hard,” she says. “It was really bad.” That’s all she will say about it.
“Then my foster mom didn’t want me no more. She said I wasn’t a good person and wanted me to get out of her house. So mom got me back, and I was set free.”
When Marianna and her mom first came to Hope Gardens last spring, Marianna was frightened and traumatized. “She was very quiet and fearful,” says Diane, the volunteer head of Level Up, Hope Gardens’ after-school tutoring program. “She was overwhelmed and behind educationally, especially in math.”
Level Up pairs volunteer tutors with individual students to help them with their homework, to build their self-confidence, and to get them back up to their academic grade level.
“Marianna and I really seemed to connect,” Diane says. “She knows I’m only here to help and encourage her. It’s all positive. We worked really hard on her math, and she has progressed so much. She’s already up to grade level, and she’s doing well at school! She’s come so far. I’m a little surprised actually. Over the past several months, since I started working with her, I’ve watched her self-esteem and confidence grow. I didn’t realize that I was having that kind of impact on her. She’s such a sweetheart.”
“Before I came to Level Up, I never did my homework,” Marianna says. “Now my grades are getting better. What I like best about Level Up, though, is Ms. Diane. She’s so nice and helpful.
“I really like Hope Gardens, too,” Marianna adds. “I love the trees and the plants, and I have so many friends—and I get to be with my mom. That’s the best thing I ever had. I feel really loved here.”

With your help, kids at URM feel safe and loved.
Your gift will make a difference for more individuals and children like Marianna. Please help today.

by Diane Schultz
At Hope Gardens, we have about 32 kids participating in our Level Up afterschool program. Many of these children, having experienced homelessness or coming from foster care, have been traumatized in some way. They have fallen behind in school because they haven’t been able to attend regularly. When they are unable to do well at school, this can add to their trauma and low self-esteem.
At Level Up, we focus on helping children learn the basics—mental math, basic arithmetic, reading, and writing. The goal is to help each one of them get up to grade level. We want them to understand what success in school feels like, which increases their chances for success later in life.
I really believe that we’re not just helping these kids academically, but we’re impacting every part of their lives, now and in the future. The confidence and skills they gain here will impact how they feel about themselves now and will influence what they do for years to come.
“I like Level Up because I get to do my homework here with my friends, and there’s so much to do. My favorite subject is math. I always do my math homework first. Reading is my hardest subject, because there’s really hard words I don’t understand. But I’m learning to read better in Level Up. I never want to leave Level Up!”
—Aryanna, 8
This Valentine’s Day, Your Love Could Save a Child’s Life
Help change lives today and for years to come! Give today to provide hope and help.

Facts About the Children You’re Helping
Children under 18 who currently live at Union Rescue Mission and Hope Gardens.
At School
Most children at both locations attend school. Most don’t want their peers to know they live in a shelter.
Family Facts
Most children live with just one parent, though Union Rescue Mission also accepts intact families. Union Rescue Mission is the only mission in Los Angeles that accepts single moms with kids, single dads with kids, intact families, and families with teenage boys.
Many children have experienced terrible abuse, hunger, and fear.
So many families are struggling and need your help. Please give to provide meals, shelter, and lifesaving care to those most in need.
Fine-Tune Your 2020 Philanthropic Vision
Want to see lower taxes and increased income? We have ideas you may not have considered that will help you maximize your tax deductions, like deciding what to do with the standard deduction.
Are you already making annual gifts to help us in our work? Consider adding a planned gift to your current gifts this year. You will increase the impact of your giving, provide greater tax savings, preserve wealth for you and your family, and help continue our work in the future.
For more information, please contact:
Rosie Perez, rperez@urm.org
Hear Greg Laurie at the 2020 Mayor’s Breakfast
Join Greg Laurie and special guests on February 22, 2020, at 8:00 am for the 47th Annual Los Angeles Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel. Get tickets at lamayorsprayerbreakfast.com.
You’re Invited to the Angels of Hope 2020 Gala
Enjoy a night of laughter and joy at a benefit for URM’s Hope Gardens Family Center, 5:30 pm on March 14, 2020, at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. RSVP at urm.org/gala.

Stories from Skid Row
Jazzmine, a teenager, ended up homeless with her mom. Then she came to Hope Gardens. Watch how your support helped turn her “nightmare into a dream” at urm.org/stories.

The number of children and families devastated by homelessness in Los Angeles is an unimaginable tragedy.
Many of these children will bear the emotional scars of their trauma for the rest of their lives.
But there’s hope. Union Rescue Mission is the only mission in Los Angeles that accepts single mothers and fathers with children, intact families, even families with teenagers. We will never turn away a woman or child who needs our help.
Here are examples of how your gift today can bless one of these precious children. Your gift of any amount will help children, and families and adults too.
Here are examples of how your gift today can bless one of these precious children. Your gift of any amount will help children, and families and adults too.
I can provide 1 night of safe shelter for a child or individual
I can provide 1 day of job readiness and work therapy for a mom or dad
I can provide 40 meals and transformation for hungry people
I can help 1 child participate in a special activity or field trip
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, please help shower a child at Union Rescue Mission or Hope Gardens with God’s life-changing love. You’ll bless entire families and adults too!
Please send the most generous gift you can today. Thank you!
For more information or to put your gift to work even faster, go to urm.org/2020-february-newsletter
1 special gift is all it takes! Will you give your best gift possible to help as much as you can today?

Los Angeles is currently experiencing the worst man-made disaster in the United States. There are 58,000 people devastated by homelessness in this city—and the fastest-growing demographic is women and kids. Right now, nearly 300 precious kids reside at Union Rescue Mission and Hope Gardens.
It’s heartbreaking. Homelessness harms kids in every way. They’re more likely to get sick. Their self-esteem suffers. They will carry the emotional scars the rest of their lives. And many times, they are at least two years behind the other kids in school.
Education is the key to help lift kids out of poverty and homelessness. Fortunately, there are people like Diane, who directs our Level Up tutoring program for children at Hope Gardens. Diane loves these children and is passionate about transforming their lives—not only academically, but also emotionally. She’s making a profound difference.
We can only make that kind of difference in kids’ lives because people like you also care. In fact, you make it all possible. Last year, your support helped nearly 1,000 children escape homelessness. Even more, your support continues to give kids the chance to become something special.
Thank you and God bless you!

Blessings, Andy
To read Andy’s blog, please visit revandysblog.com.