Everyone makes a bad decision at one point—but mine cost me everything. When I started drinking at 15, I thought I’d found the secret to life. I immediately went all in and started drinking every day. I never thought for a moment where it might lead me.

Running to new life
Friends Like You
Made Gavin’s
New Beginning
As I walked through the chaos and cruelty of those sidewalks to Union Rescue Mission, I didn’t realize I was taking my first steps toward a new life —Gavin
Nine years later, drinking and drugging led me to a sidewalk in Riverside, sitting on a curb. No money, no home, no job, no friends, and my entire family had turned their backs on me. I had no idea what to do. Then a stranger walked up and handed me a piece of paper with the name and address of Union Rescue Mission. He said, “If you need help, go here.” Then he bought me a one-way ticket to Skid Row. When I entered Union Rescue Mission, I was scared. If I’d had $10, I would have run. For the first time in my life, I had to face my worst enemy. Me. At first, I didn’t take it too seriously, but when I realized this was my last and only chance, I surrendered to God completely. I knew that only God could help me. I had to accept that Jesus was real and was trying to help me. I dove into all the classes and Bible studies, and I opened up to my chaplain. I also joined the Downtown Running Club, which included mostly men in recovery like me. Those men showed me what a sober, happy life could look like, and I wanted that. They motivated me even more. As I gained more confidence and my faith grew, one day I woke up and said, “I want to be a firefighter.” URM helped guide me through getting student aid, and before long, God opened doors to get me enrolled at Pasadena City College in the Emergency Medical Technician program. In that program, I thought back to when I started drinking and thought I’d found the secret to life. Now, I had that same feeling, only more. This is who I was meant to be! This is the life I was meant to have! Today, I’m proud to say that—thanks to the Lord and donors like you—I’m sober and working fulltime as an EMT. In 2022, I’ll be back on my own and I hope to reconnect with a daughter I haven’t seen in three years. I’ve been redeemed and transformed— and I have a brand-new beginning to my life. Thank you for giving me the chance that I needed to get my life back on track!
Here are a few people that have experienced hope thanks to you.
Starting 2022 with Hope

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” —Matthew 11:28
Clive “I was in a biker gang, drinking and using drugs. As I grew older, I knew I needed help. When I saw a video of Union Rescue Mission’s Stories from Skid Row, I knew I had to go to URM. Thanks to the Mission, I’m a different person. I now have hope for my future. I want to get my GED. I always believed in God, but now I understand my Bible better.”
Ramona “I was born on Skid Row. Both my mother and father abandoned me. As I grew older, I started cutting myself and became suicidal. When I suddenly found myself pregnant, a friend told me about Hope Gardens. It’s motivating here. The other moms are so encouraging. I feel less hopeless. I’m not alone anymore. I’m excited about the future for my son and me.”
Albert “I was facing serious prison time. When I told the judge that I was determined to be a better man, he decided to send me to URM instead. I enrolled in the life-transformation program and graduated. Today, I accept God’s plan for my life. Whatever God wants me to do, I will do it. I’m looking forward to 2022.”
Nathalia “After years of domestic violence, I became addicted to pain pills. I lost my marriage, my children, and I ended up homeless and alone. When I came to Hope Gardens, I began to heal and restore my relationships with my children. Today, my future is bright, I’m working to complete my bachelor’s degree, and I’m looking forward to 2022.”

Health and Dental
Clinic Update
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Union Rescue Mission, the medical care professionals who served in our health clinic were no longer able to serve. But the need for critical health care on Skid Row didn’t stop. After upgrading the ventilation system in our exam rooms, we were excited to begin a new partnership with The Los Angeles Christian Health Centers. The precious men, women, and children on Skid Row are once again getting the essential health care they need! The new Clinic Manager, George Hernandez, shares this: “The Los Angeles Christian Health Centers is excited to be at Union Rescue Mission. Our goal is to provide care for the acute needs and chronic conditions of residents with diabetes, hypertension, HIV, Hepatitis C, and many other medical conditions. We also provide blood work, vaccines, preventive care, health education, and specialty referrals.”
Many of the men and women devastated by homelessness in Los Angeles have little hope that their lives will be different in the coming year. But thanks to donors like you, this is not true at Union Rescue Mission.
Give Someone the Gift of a New Beginning

Here, your support gives them the chance for redemption . . . life transformation . . . and a new beginning to their lives. As we start this new year, the opening of Angeles House means an extra $3 million is needed to provide help to the additional 86 families we will be helping every day. Every day at URM, someone is giving their life to Christ. Someone is gaining the skills, courage, strength, and tools they need to start over again. They have a brandnew chance for a brand-new life—because someone cared. Because YOU cared! Please give someone else that opportunity today. Your generous gift of any size will help provide a struggling man, woman, or child with safe shelter, warm clothes, hot meals, and the real, long-term help they need to start a new life in 2022. Thank you!

Join Union Fellowship—Give Monthly
To make a difference in someone’s life all year long, join Union Fellowship. Here’s your opportunity to make a real, long-term difference on behalf of someone each and every month by joining our Union Fellowship today. Your monthly gift will help someone on the road to recovery and will support them, step by step, as they move from redemption to transformation to a new beginning for their life. You’ll also receive exclusive access to our Union Fellowship Facebook Group to watch Live Events.
Redemption. Transformation.
New Beginnings.

I love what Gavin said about his life in his testimony. He’s been redeemed. He’s been transformed. He has a new beginning. Redemption means that Jesus has bought Gavin’s life back. He’s been purchased through the blood of the Lamb, and he’s been forgiven. He was once lost, but now he’s found. Transformation means he has turned his life around 180 degrees. He’s experienced a total change in his heart, mind, and body—all through the power and strength of Jesus Christ. Now he’s been given a new beginning. As the Apostle Paul said, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). This is what Union Rescue Mission—and your support—is all about. With your help, we find those who are lost, and we rescue and redeem them through Jesus. Together, we transform lives and give them a fresh start in life. When I think of 2022, I’m excited. We have a new year full of redemption possibilities, lifetransforming possibilities, and new beginnings. Thank you for being our friend and partner in the Lord’s work! Let’s do some big things this year!