Help Portrait Comes to URM

For many people experiencing homelessness, taking a family portrait each Christmas, or having a professional take a photo of themselves is a luxury they can’t afford.  But thanks to Help Portrait, an organization that brings professional photographers together to use their photography skills to give back to their local community, this luxury was made feasible and hundreds of people were able to receive beautiful portraits.

On Saturday, December 4th, Union Rescue Mission was one of several locations that photographers gathered to bless the people of Skid Row by taking beautiful photos, and printing them on the spot for free!

There were several backdrops to choose from, including a large Christmas tree with presents under it. A “Kids Station” was set up with crafts and coloring. All in all, it was a great day that brought joy to many people.

Take a look at the Channel 11 News clip below to see some of people that were touched by this fun and generous event!

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