Stories From Skid Row
Stories from Skid Row: Jaime
Hear how Jaime has adapted within the Hope Gardens program and found budding passions such as art and technology. Homelessness hurts kids physically, mentally, socially, and most of all their self-esteem. Hope Gardens can nurture career opportunities and passions for children in the hopes that they never have to experience homelessness again.
Your donations provide hope and healing to kids like Jaime. Please donate today to support children through crucial times in their lives.
Stories From Skid Row: Yoana & Oscar
Stories from Skid Row: Yoana & Oscar
Hear how Yoana and Oscar have battled through cancer by God’s grace and with the support of the community and staff at Hope Gardens.
Stories From Skid Row: Kinna
Stories from Skid Row: Kinna
Hear how Kinna draws from her experiences with homelessness and the foster system to support, love, and care for families experiencing similar situations.
Stories From Skid Row: Antonia
Stories from Skid Row: Antonia
Antonia endured childhood abuse, foster care, and eventually homelessness. In a leap of faith, she decided to seek support through Union Rescue Mission.
With the help of the Hope Gardens Family Center, Antonia started healing from her past wounds.
Watch her story and see how your generosity helps women like Antonia experience life-long transformation.
Stories From Skid Row: Miracles
Stories from Skid Row: Miracles
Life cannot flourish on the streets. But where the harsh realities of Skid Row become a distant memory…it can. Union Rescue Mission’s three decentralized locations foster miracles among men, women, children, and families devastated by homelessness. Watch now and see!
Stories From Skid Row: Steve
Stories from Skid Row: Steve
Steve is Union Rescue Mission’s mailman. Once shackled by addictions to drugs and alcohol, he never dreamed he could be the free man he is today. Watch this man’s moving story and see how through him God’s light now shines!
Stories From Skid Row: Diane
Stories from Skid Row: Diane
Diane is an accountant. She likes her job, but what she really wanted was to “be out making a difference in someone’s life.” Watch her inspiring story about finding Hope Gardens and see how she’s now changing the lives of kids devastated by homelessness!
Remote Volunteers
Six things you can do remotely to help URM during this Crisis!
1. Change your Facebook profile picture and help raise awareness about URM
Social images -click here
2. Share URM YouTube Series videos “Stories from Skid Row
3. Start a Facebook Fundraiser
How to start a Facebook Fundraiser- click here
4. Sign up for the URM Virtual Walk 2020
5. Change your Amazon Smile Charity to Union Rescue Mission
Change Amazon Smile – click here
6. Give! Anything help during this time of crisis.
Stories From Skid Row: Carlos
Stories from Skid Row: Carlos
Carlos is one of the toughest men Union Rescue Mission has ever seen. Find out how he left 26 years of violence and self-inflicted harm in the dust, thanks to caring people like you.