Fox News 11 reporter Hal Eisner interviews Union Rescue Mission CEO Andy Bales about the recent closing of the winter shelters in Los Angeles.
Fox News 11 reporter Hal Eisner interviews Union Rescue Mission CEO Andy Bales about the recent closing of the winter shelters in Los Angeles.
This is not right.. :(
Dear Fox 11,
You will find the truth about the shelter on my blog (intense debate) Gretawire.
The shelter is located at the National Guard Armory next to a basball field, a park, near a nursery school and two elementary schools. The shelter does not filter out sex-offenders. The police have identified and removed eight thus far. Fighters either flee or are excorted out the door into the community. My neighbors on Screenland and Pepper tell me the inmates are seen goin to and from the liquor store on Victory Blvd. The state’s early-release progam allows the state to funnel criminals whose crimes are unknown to Burbank. More information is available on
Robert E. Melling
Just to be clear, the Winter Shelter staff worked with the Police to identify and relocate the eight sex-offenders. Once they were identified our team worked to place them somewhere else.
Also, the local elementary school and nursery school have been supportive of the shelter and will be speaking on our behalf at the Burbank City Council Meeting Thursday evening.
The photograph does not indicate the park, the baseball park, Fry’s Electronics store, the location of the nursery school or the elementary school, not does it show the location of the liquor store frequented by the inmates.
Robert E. Melling