New Creation

My friend, Pops, walked into my office at Union Rescue Mission a few months ago, just as I was returning to work after a heart attack and quadruple bypass surgery. Pops said, ‘I need this place more than it needs me!’ I responded, ‘I know exactly how you feel!’ As he left my office I wondered to myself, how does a murderous, drug dealing, heroin addict of over 50 years turn into a God-fearing, sensitive gentleman who now only wants to serve and encourage others who are struggling? I knew the answer.

2 Corinthians 5:17

New International Version (NIV)

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

When Pops wandered into the back door of Union Rescue Mission nearly three years ago, trying to save his life and escape the 50 years of addiction that had destroyed him physically, mentally and spiritually, he not only saved his life, but he found new life and became a new man through the resurrecting power of Jesus Christ. Watch Pops’ Story to hear Pops tell more of his amazing story of transformation.

That is what happens at Union Rescue Mission. Precious men like Pops don’t just get well through our mental, medical, dental and legal clinics, discipleship, learning and PE classes, they come face to face with the transforming power of our Savior Jesus Christ!

We are so thankful you are willing to be a participant in this work that transforms men like Pops.

Please join us in our Easter Restoration Campaign and participate by making a one time gift of $56 or better yet, set up your own Easter Restoration Fundraising Page and have your friends and family join you in this transforming work that helps struggling folks like Pops become a new man who wants to only serve God and others.

Bless you


Rev. Andy’s End of Month Update – January 2012

Because of the scope of what friends like you help us do at URM, everyday is a big event. From life transformation programs, to medical centers, to legal aid clinics, to kids programs….we do it all thanks to you.

Please take a moment to view Rev. Andy’s January End of the Month Update and consider a gift today. We can’t do this work without you.


Andy’s End of Month Update – June 2011

June has been a month full of celebration. We held a luncheon event to honor some friends of Union Rescue Mission, and we celebrated with 17 men as they graduated from a Life Transformation program. Unfortunately, it was also a month of tough decisions.

I hope you will please take a moment to watch this video and catch up on what’s happening here at URM. Thank you so much for your continued support.


Andy Bales, CEO

February End of Month Update

February has been a busy month for us at URM.  We hope you will take a moment to watch this video for exciting highlights on the events and challenges, including photos of our Hearts for Hope Fashion Show honoring Paris Hilton.

When you support us and share our message with others, you are helping to provide a better life for those who may otherwise be living on the streets of LA.  We cannot do what we do without you.


End of January Update

Dear Friends,

As we come to the end of the month, we would like to share just a few of the activities that have been keeping us busy here at URM!  From serving record numbers of people, to running winter shelters to planning a special event for our guests, the last few weeks have been action packed.  Please take a moment to watch this quick update on what we are accomplishing with the help of friends like you!
