Daily Grill Honors Mothers with Luncheon

Yesterday, the mothers from Hope Gardens and URM came together to enjoy a beautiful luncheon courtesy of the Daily Grill! Nearly 80 moms were able to enjoy a delicious meal, relax kids-free, and listen to a special performance by renowned gospel singer Janie Jackson.


After the luncheon, all the women were treated to gift bags containing awesome bath and body products thanks to Maly’s Beauty Supply!

Mother's Day Luncheon 2 

Thanks to Daily Grill, Maly’s, and all of our volunteers for making this special event possible!

You can check out more pictures from event on our Flickr Slideshow:


HerbaLife Shaking It Up At Union Rescue Mission

Join Union Recue Mission CEO Andy Bales and Herbalife Chairman and CEO Michael O. Johnson today Monday, May 3, 2010 as they announce a partnership to serve healthy protein shakes at breakfast weekday mornings all year to Union Rescue Mission guests in the Skid Row community that depend on the Mission for good nutritious meals.  

On average (URM) serves 3,500 meals a day.  Herbalife will donate its Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix to the Mission so residents can start their day with a nutritious drink along with their breakfast.

Union Rescue Mission’s CEO Andy Bales said “A big thanks to Herbalife for empowering our precious guests with a delicious and nutritious shake!”

Who: Union Rescue Mission & Herbalife will launch & serve Herbalife Shakes with celebrity Chef G. Garvin, Actress Vanessa Bell Calloway & Actress Kiki Sheppard.

When: Monday May 3, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. Sharp

Where: Union Rescue Mission 545 South San Pedro Street (btw 5th & 6th on San Pedro)

Why: Union Rescue Mission and Herbalife coming together to provide healthier eating to people experiencing homelessness.

About Union Rescue Mission

Union Rescue Mission is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving people experiencing homeless. Established in 1891, URM is one of the largest rescue missions of its kind in the United States and is the oldest in Los Angeles.  It provides a comprehensive array of emergency and long-term services, including food, shelter, clothing; medical and dental care; Christian recovery programs, transitional housing, legal assistance, education, counseling and job training to needy men, women, children and families. For more information, please visit our website urm.org

About Herbalife Ltd.

Herbalife Ltd. (NYSE:HLF) is a global network marketing company that sells weight-management, nutrition, and personal care products intended to support a healthy lifestyle.  Herbalife products are sold in 72 countries through a network of approximately two million independent distributors.  The company supports the Herbalife Family Foundation and its Casa Herbalife program to help bring good nutrition to children.  Herbalife’s website contains a significant amount of information about Herbalife, including financial and other information for investors at http://ir.herbalife.com  The Company encourages investors to visit it Web site from time to time, as information is updated and new information is posted.

Standout Volunteers Honored for National Volunteer Week

It takes a lot of work to do what we do here at URM, and we couldn’t do it all without the help of our many volunteers!  In celebration of National Volunteer Week, we honored some of our standout volunteers!  A total of 10 volunteers made it down to our Tuesday morning chapel for a special recognition in front of our staff and guests.

Volunteer Recognition 10 

Without the help of these and other faithful individuals and organizations, we would not be where we are today!

Volunteer Recognition 7 

Thanks to everyone who gives of their time to make an impact here on Skid Row – you are appreciated!

2010 Volunteer Appreciation Attendees:

Ahman Banes & Shawn Gendall representing Calvary Church – Pacific Palisades

Keiko Ichikawa, representing The Bridge

Kathy Morrison

Pamela Bernard

Dale Gibson

Cruz Martinez

Sean Brazil, VP of the URM Club at San Marino High School

Bel Air Presbyterian

Merrill Lynch/Bank of America


City Attorney Proposes Injuction Initiative on Skid Row

DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES – Last Wednesday, City Attorney Carmen Trutanich held a press conference in Gladys Park downtown, discussing an initiative that, if passed, could drastically decrease the Skid Row drug trade. The Central City Recovery Zone initiative identified 80 suspected drug dealers who would be banned from the Skid Row area, which is known as a hub for drug sales and use.

The 80 suspects all have multiple drug-related convictions, and are believed to be selling mostly crack cocaine, but also marijuana, heroin, and meth, on Skid Row, with fifty-three believed to have gang affiliations.  All are considered to be “commuters”; they do not live on Skid Row, but merely come to the area to sell to the people on the streets of Skid Row, many of which are struggling with addiction and have come to Skid Row for recovery services. 

This problem is not new to Skid Row; for years local residents have been victim to the gangs and dealers who drive in at night to sell, often right outside the missions and clinics. Although typically gangs become territorial about selling areas, downtown has remained mostly nonviolent over the years due to the fact that sellers know there are enough profits to go around.  Gang violence, which would bring police attention and threaten their most reliable source of income, has been kept to a minimum. 

The injunction would establish the “Central City Recovery Zone”, bordered by Broadway, Central Ave, Third Street, and Ninth Street. It will require approval from a judge before implementation, but the goal is to protect an area that is home to many people trying to recover from addiction and are seeking recovery services. 

Although the 80 people on the ‘banned list’ would be arrested for entering this Zone, they do have an opportunity to be removed from this list.  Not only will they be able to contest their inclusion, but they can also be exempted by proving that they actually live in the area or are there for recovery services themselves.

Those allowed to stay in the Recovery Zone will still have rules to abide by, including a ban on firearms, ammunition and narcotics possession, acting as a connecting point for buyers and sellers, or even alerting other sellers of law enforcement.

A hearing is expected during the next several weeks, at which point the LAPD will have 45 days to notify the 80 suspected dealers.  For additional information including pictures from the event, be sure to read Rev. Andy Bales blog post “We Asked For This” dated 4-7-2010.  Union Rescue Mission will continue to share information on this important issue as it becomes available

We Asked For This

Today, Carmen Trutanich, County Attorney Steve Cooley, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck, Sheriff Lee Baca and others issued a public notice at a press conference of a first-of-its-kind civil law enforcement action designed to curb rampant drug activity in Downtown Los Angeles’ Skid Row by gang members and career criminals.  An injunction was taken out against 80 individuals, drug dealers, gang members and 1 entire gang, the Grape Street Crips, who come from the outside of Skid Row to sell drugs and commit crime on the streets of Skid Row.

Below is the speech that I tried to share as I was invited to speak on behalf of area Mission’s and Recovery programs. Our speeches were rudely interrupted by a group called LACAN. I’d like to take time to share my speech and our perspective in this blog.  Thanks for taking time to understand our point of view:

We asked for this. People selling drugs and behaving violently were waiting outside of Union Rescue Mission’s and other agencies’ doors, coming into our courtyards and restrooms, and preying on the vulnerabilities of our guests.

Over the course of a week, a woman was shot in the head and murdered steps from our back door, 2 men chased another man down who owed them money and violently beat him outside our back door on San Julian St., and our precious guest women cried and told me that gang members threatened and robbed the little man who pushes an ice cream cart through the neighborhood, “They shouldn’t have done him like that!” they said.  We felt frustrated and helpless in protecting our very vulnerable and precious guests.

We asked for help, and met with individuals representing our City Attorney, County Attorney, LAPD, Sheriff and others, and they have now delivered that help today.  Thank you!

As a colleague of ours shared yesterday, “This is the best news I have heard on Skid Row in 20 years!”  Larry Adamson, the CEO of Midnight Mission, said “With the progress we have made in recent years, men are staying in their recovery programs 66% longer with much greater success!”  This step will help in improving the success of our recovery programs.

We at Union Rescue Mission have had an average of 60 families with well over 100 vulnerable children in our Mission this year. These children have seen too much in their short young lives and experienced too much fear. Thank you, City Attorney Carmen Trutanich, District Attorney, Steve Cooley, and all, for putting an end to this fear.

One of the very thoughtful parts of this initiative is the “exemption clause” through which those listed can leave the life of preying on others, and enter into a recovery program like the one we have at Union Rescue Mission, or as I like to call them, a life transformation program, and have their name removed – exempted – from the list.  Thank you for including this grace and hope filled opportunity!

We have made significant progress in our community — stopping hospital drop-offs, stopping mental hospital drop-offs, making sure women and children are not on the streets and reducing crime.  This injunction is yet another tremendous step in making Skid Row a true Recovery Zone!  It’s an important step in moving toward the day when not one precious human being is left to live in terror and die on the streets of Skid Row.  And, indeed, this is a step closer towards truly living up to our great city’s name, the City of Angels.  Thank you!



Shelia Raye Charles Speaks at Celebrate Recovery

Sheila Raye Charles, daughter of the legendary Ray Charles, will be blessing us tonight as a featured speaker for “Celebrate Recovery”.  We are very excited and honored to have Sheila speak to many of our guests this evening. She has a very-moving testimony about recovering from addiction – she struggled with crack cocaine for many years and even ended up in Federal Prison.  

When she finally surrendered to God’s will, she was at her lowest point and desperate for relief from the personal pain she had created.  She has chronicled her personal story in her book Behind The Shades and produced a collection of music by the same name. 

You can listen to her inspirational testimony in this short clip:

Water Walk Returns with Warm Temps!

As the high in downtown Los Angeles neared 87 degrees yesterday, URM employees took to the streets with cold bottles of water!

It’s a tradition for us to distribute water to the people of Skid Row every time the temperature hits 85 degrees or higher.  The Water Walk is a great opportunity for us to build trust with the citizens of downtown Los Angeles – it is our hope that they will realize how much we truly care about them, and maybe they will stop in to see us sometime!

Lakers fans enjoy some refreshing H2O on a warm spring afternoon!

Although usually a summer activity, we are blessed to be enjoying beautiful weather early this year!

If you are interested in coming along for a Water Walk sometime, feel free to contact our Volunteer Department at (213) 347-6300 x1148.  If you would like to donate so that we can continue to provide for the people of Skid Row, please go to urm.org/donate for more information!


Life Transformation

Thirty-three graduates in cap and gown walked proudly across the stage last Sunday as we celebrated together the 12 months of hard work they had accomplished in graduating from Union Rescue Mission’s Men’s Life Transformation Program.  Friends and family packed the Chapel, acknowledging their feat with a standing ovation.  Graduate Brian Mitchell said it best, “I am a completely different man than the man who entered Union Rescue Mission!” Brian’s lovely girl friend, thankful mom, and proud Uncle and Aunt were overflowing with joy at what has happened in Brian’s life.  

This celebration is the life blood of Union Rescue Mission.  Seeing lives completely transformed, hearing powerful stories of change, like, “I used to be the guy addicted to crack laying out on that sidewalk out there (pointing to Skid Row), now I am leading my work team, leading worship in Chapel, volunteering to help others, speaking before the City Council, and visiting my mom for the first time in 30 years!”, and viewing the changed men and women right before our eyes keeps us motivated to do this work every day with every ounce of our being.  

This is why Support Life Transformation Programs is the 9th vital Step in our http://youarethemission.org initiative to end homelessness as we know it in Los Angeles.  Many, in fact most who enter into the experience of homelessness have significant barriers to overcome before they can return to a productive life on their own.  Devastating emotional impacts, addiction issues, insufficient job, life or people skills are all conditions that hold people back and keep them trapped in a cycle of homelessness and poverty. These barriers are not insurmountable or permanent, but usually take a structured, long-term recovery process that is available here at Union Rescue Mission, our own Hope Gardens Family Center, the Los Angeles Mission, Midnight Mission, the Salvation Army, the Weingart Center and others.  These agencies have helped thousands of individuals and families address and overcome their obstacles and return to the community as productive citizens.  

These amazing agencies should not be overlooked by the current push by many to take a Housing First and Only approach to ending homelessness.  
Do not get me wrong, as some have, we believe in the Housing First approach for the 10% to 20% of people who have been devastated by long term, chronic homelessness and are dealing with serious health, mental health, and addiction issues as a result of living on the streets for years. Housing First is absolutely the best approach for this group of precious people experiencing homelessness.  In fact, we are pushing for this approach for the final 750 precious individuals still left on the streets of Skid Row.  

However, a Housing First and Only approach would have been a disservice to the 33 proud men who walked the stage last week, and to all who walk similar stages after completing a Life Transformation Program.  To place them in a permanently subsidized housing unit with little expectation rather than encourage them through a rigorous exercise in transformation would cheat them out of finding their destiny.  As I closed the service, I shared the story of a graduate from 1938 named Joseph Mitchell.  He left Union Rescue Mission to create two popular games, Don’t Break the Ice, and Don’t Spill the Beans! Last year, during an unparalleled financial crisis, his estate left us an $800,000 bequest. He gave the rest of his estate to the Billy Graham Crusade.  

My final charge to our graduates is equally appropriate for our staff and the faithful friends who join us in the fight to end our city’s reign as the homeless capital of the nation.  “We have high hopes for you!  We expect you to go out and conquer the world!”

Calvary Church Brings Carnival To URM Kids!

Weekends are sometimes boring when you live on Skid Row, but today is different. Calvary Church – Pacific Palisades brought more than 100 volunteers to host a huge carnival for all the kids at Union Rescue Mission as well as kids activities and work projects at Hope Gardens! 

The carnival was split into two sections, with Jr. High and Sr. High enjoying tug of war, bumper car kids (you have to see the picture!), and other games, while the elementary kids are able to have their faces painted, bounce around in the jumpers, and play games for prizes!

In addition to donating their time, volunteer participants are calling on their friends and family to text the word URM to 85944 to make a $10 donation to further help the Mission.  Check back for more pictures on our website at urm.org during the next week!


Oasis Christian Centers Hosts Food Drive for URM

We would like to send a special thanks to Oasis Christian Center for hosting a food drive, with the donations going to URM!  They were able to collect more than 2,500 cans of food.

In particular, we appreciate the hard work of Pastor Phillip & Holly Wagner, Pastor Alex Jones Moreno, and the whole Oasis team for being out in the rain collecting food!